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2023 TSG New Era

From 1967 to 2023,  56 years of accumulated experience, 56 years of professional production, and 56 years of joint efforts, Tien Sung Group is striving to realize the vision.

Entering 2023,  TSG headquarters in Hong Kong will be relocated, and TSG  in Guangzhou's Spring Dinner will be restarted, and TSG Vietnam's new production base will be officially completed. 2023 is a new era for TSG .

A new begining and a new journey, TSG FAMILY(天生人) will use Intelligence(智慧) to overcome difficulties , use Craftsmanship(匠心) to do a good job in product and service and use Synergy(合力) to work together.  We will show TSG Value and build TSG to be a pominent sportswear provider.

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